Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy is a treatment that provides you with supplemental oxygen in case your blood oxygen level is lower causing Hypoxaemia. Some people with breathing disorders can’t get enough oxygen naturally. They may need supplemental oxygen, or oxygen therapy. People who receive oxygen therapy often see improved energy levels and sleep, and better quality of life. Normal levels of arterial blood oxygen are between 75 and 100 mmHg, a level of 60 mmHg or lower indicates the need for supplemental oxygen. Hypoxemia is a life-threatening condition that can be treated with appropriate Oxygen Therapy based on your health conditions

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Normobaric Oxygen Therapy

How it works?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy  

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is where people will breathe in pure oxygen in a pressurized room or chamber. In the hyperbaric chambers, the air pressure is increased to three or four times the normal air pressure levels. This increases the amount of oxygen delivered to the body. By breathing pure oxygen in one of our state-of-the-art chambers, enabling higher levels of oxygen to be absorbed into the bloodstream. HBOT is an effective way to increase the flow of oxygen around the body. The increased oxygen stimulates and restores function to damaged cells and organs.

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Normobaric Oxygen Therapy  

Normobaric Oxygen therapy is a treatment that provides you with supplemental, or extra, oxygen. It can help you feel better and stay active. Normobaric Oxygen Therapy involves administering oxygen at normal atmospheric pressure, typically via a face mask or nasal cannula. Valuable adjunctive therapy in diverse medical settings, offering a non-invasive and cost-effective approach to improve oxygenation, mitigate tissue hypoxia and many more.

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Medical Conditions

Overall, oxygen therapy plays a critical role in the management of various medical conditions, improving oxygenation, alleviating symptoms, and supporting overall health and well-being. It as a cornerstone of modern medical care, offering indispensable support across a spectrum of conditions. From chronic respiratory ailments like COPD and severe asthma to cardiovascular emergencies such as heart failure or myocardial infarction, oxygen therapy plays a vital role in enhancing oxygen delivery to tissues, alleviating symptoms, and supporting recovery.



Cells &



Sports & Fitness

Oxygen therapy is used in sports injury recovery and fitness improvement by supplying extra oxygen to the body. It speeds up healing, reduces inflammation, and helps clear muscle fatigue. Athletes benefit from enhanced endurance, quicker recovery, and improved stamina. Beyond sports, it promotes wellness by boosting energy and mental clarity. Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in prescribing appropriate oxygen levels and monitoring treatment to ensure optimal outcomes while minimizing potential risks.






Beauty & Skincare

Oxygen therapy is gaining popularity in skincare and beauty due to its potential to rejuvenate the skin and enhance overall complexion. Oxygen therapy in skincare enhances circulation, boosts collagen production, and detoxifies pores for clearer skin. It accelerates healing, fights acne-causing bacteria, and hydrates skin, leaving it soft and supple, reducing wrinkles and promoting a healthy glow. It detoxifies pores, speeds up healing, and fights acne-causing bacteria, while also hydrating and softening the skin. This gentle treatment suits all skin types, providing noticeable results.

Beauty &




A 60 minutes to 120 minutes of treatment based on the medical conditions allows oxygen to dissolve into the blood. Dissolved Oxygen in blood is transported into cells increasing its function and healing where it’s needed most.

Before initiating oxygen therapy, our therapist will assesses the oxygen levels using a pulse oximeter. This helps determine the appropriate oxygen flow rate needed for therapy and then gives oxygen through a tube or mask, monitors the person's vital signs, ensures safety, and educates them about using oxygen properly.



Our Oxygen pods offer a convenient and relaxing way for individuals to experience the potential benefits of oxygen therapy in a controlled environment. We provide NBOT & HBOT Pods as part of our services.

Our pods consist of comfortable seating or reclining chairs equipped with oxygen delivery devices, such as nasal cannulas or masks. The oxygen is delivered from oxygen concentrators, which filter and purify ambient air to increase the oxygen concentration. Users can relax in the oxygen pod while inhaling the purified oxygen through the nasal cannula or mask


Isolated Individual


We follow Isolated Individual masks policy in our facility. Oxygen Delivery Masks used during oxygen therapy are allocated for each individual. Your Masks are stored in a named in our facility. We also welcome you to carry it along with you if you prefer. When you start the therapy sessions, you will be allocated with a mask that will continue to use for every session to ensure the hygiene and safety. We will clean the mask after every therapy session with utmost care and protect your health.


Safety & Risks

Safety precautions are essential during oxygen therapy to minimise the risk of fire hazards. We ensure Smoking and open flames are avoided in the vicinity of oxygen equipment. Our Therapist are well educated and trained to proper handle storage of oxygen concentrators. We ensure our facility follows

  • No Smoking Policy
  • Fire Safety Measures
  • Proper Ventilation
  • Avoiding Flammable Materials
  • Equipment Maintenance Routines
  • Training and Education
  • Storage Guidelines
  • Regulatory Compliance


Do's of Oxygen Therapy

Follow Prescribed Oxygen Flow Rate: Always adhere to the prescribed oxygen flow rate determined by your healthcare provider. Using the correct flow rate ensures that you receive the appropriate amount of oxygen to meet your respiratory needs without risking oxygen toxicity or other complications.

Use Oxygen Equipment Safely: Familiarize yourself with the proper use of oxygen equipment, including oxygen concentrators, cylinders, regulators, and delivery devices such as nasal cannulas or masks. Ensure that equipment is set up correctly and functioning properly before each use.

Monitor Oxygen Levels: Regularly monitor your oxygen saturation levels using a pulse oximeter as instructed by your healthcare provider. This helps ensure that you are receiving adequate oxygen therapy and allows you to promptly address any fluctuations or concerns.

Practice Good Hygiene: Keep oxygen equipment clean and sanitized to prevent the growth of bacteria and reduce the risk of infection. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling oxygen equipment or touching your face to minimize the risk of contamination.

Stay Well-Hydrated: Oxygen therapy can cause dryness of the nasal passages and throat. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids to help alleviate dryness and maintain comfort during oxygen therapy.


Dont's of Oxygen Therapy

Do Not Adjust Flow Rate Without Approval: Avoid adjusting the oxygen flow rate without consulting your healthcare provider. Changing the flow rate without medical guidance can lead to inadequate oxygenation or oxygen toxicity, which can be harmful to your health.

Do Not Smoke or Allow Smoking: Smoking is strictly prohibited while using oxygen therapy due to the increased risk of fire and respiratory complications. Ensure that smoking materials, open flames, and flammable objects are kept away from oxygen equipment at all times.

Do Not Block Oxygen Flow: Avoid obstructing the flow of oxygen by kinking, twisting, or tangling oxygen tubing. Ensure that oxygen tubing is free from obstructions and positioned to allow for unimpeded oxygen delivery.

Do Not Use Petroleum-Based Products: Refrain from using petroleum-based products such as petroleum jelly (e.g., Vaseline) on your face, nose, or lips while using oxygen therapy. These products are flammable and can increase the risk of fire when exposed to oxygen.

Do Not Overuse Oxygen: Use oxygen therapy only as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Overuse of oxygen can lead to oxygen toxicity, which can cause lung damage and other adverse effects. Follow your prescribed oxygen therapy regimen diligently and seek guidance if you have any concerns or questions.



There are many medical conditions that have responded well to Oxygen Therapy, including strokes, cerebral palsy, head injuries, chronic fatigue, and wounds of many different causes.

Health and Active Lifestyle

Increased Sports Performance

Increased Mental Focus

Reduces Headaches

Reduced Inflammation

Reduced fatigue and exhaustion

Reduced Recovery Time from Injuries

Increased Stem cells Activation


Increased Collagen Production


We will be very glad to speak to you to provide right consultation on what you require at best price that suits your needs and requirements


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