Sports, General Fitness & Well being

Oxygen Therapy (NBOT & HBOT) can help in Sport, General Fitness & Wellbeing.



Treat Injuries


Mental Focus






Oxygen therapy, particularly hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), can promote faster recovery from sports-related injuries and fatigue by increasing oxygen delivery to tissues and accelerating tissue repair and regeneration. Oxygen therapy for sports recovery should be individualized based on the athlete's specific needs, training regimen, and injury status, with guidance from qualified healthcare professionals experienced in sports medicine and oxygen therapy.

Treat Injuries  

HBOT has been shown to enhance the healing of soft tissue injuries, fractures, and musculoskeletal injuries commonly experienced by athletes, allowing for quicker return to training and competition. Oxygen therapy helps reduce muscle soreness and inflammation following intense physical exertion by improving oxygenation and promoting the removal of metabolic waste products such as lactic acid.

Mental Focus  

Oxygen therapy can alleviate fatigue and improve energy levels by replenishing cellular energy stores and reducing oxidative stress, allowing to focus and recover more effectively. Athletes should adhere to safety guidelines and protocols when undergoing oxygen therapy to minimize risks and ensure optimal outcomes. This includes appropriate monitoring of oxygen levels, adherence to prescribed treatment regimens, and avoiding smoking or open flames in the vicinity of oxygen equipment.

Sport Performance  

By enhancing oxygen delivery to muscles and tissues, oxygen therapy can help athletes recover more quickly between training sessions and competitions, enabling them to maintain peak performance levels. In addition to physical benefits, oxygen therapy can provide psychological benefits such as reduced stress and improved mood, which are important for promoting overall well-being and recovery in athletes.


For athletes recovering from sports injuries or surgeries, oxygen therapy can complement traditional rehabilitation protocols by promoting tissue healing, reducing recovery time, and enhancing overall rehabilitation outcomes.

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