
Oxygen therapy helps increase oxygen levels in the blood, which can improve symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, and cognitive function, enhance exercise tolerance, and promote better overall quality of life.

Oxygen therapy can be administered through various delivery systems, including nasal cannulas, oxygen masks, oxygen tents, and portable oxygen concentrators.

While oxygen therapy is generally safe, prolonged use of high concentrations of oxygen can lead to oxygen toxicity, respiratory depression, dryness of the nasal passages, and an increased risk of fire if oxygen comes into contact with a flame.

The duration of oxygen therapy varies depending on the underlying condition, its severity, and the individual's response to treatment. Some patients may need oxygen therapy temporarily during acute illness, while others may require long-term oxygen therapy.

Yes, oxygen therapy can be administered at home for individuals who require continuous oxygen supplementation. Home oxygen therapy requires proper equipment, training, and monitoring by healthcare professionals.

Individuals undergoing oxygen therapy may need to make adjustments to their lifestyle, such as avoiding smoking, ensuring proper ventilation when using oxygen equipment, and incorporating regular exercise and healthy eating habits.

The effectiveness of oxygen therapy can be monitored by regularly measuring blood oxygen levels using a pulse oximeter, tracking symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue, and staying in communication with healthcare providers for ongoing evaluation and adjustments to treatment.

Yes, oxygen therapy can be used during sleep for individuals with conditions such as sleep apnea or nocturnal hypoventilation. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines or Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) machines are commonly used in conjunction with oxygen therapy to improve breathing during sleep.

If you experience any side effects or complications during oxygen therapy, such as dizziness, headache, confusion, or difficulty breathing, it is important to notify us immediately. They can evaluate your symptoms and make any necessary adjustments to your oxygen therapy prescription.

Yes, oxygen therapy can be used while traveling, but it requires proper planning and coordination. Travelers should notify their oxygen supplier in advance and make arrangements for portable oxygen equipment if needed. It's also important to check with airlines and other transportation providers for their policies regarding the use of oxygen on board.

No, oxygen therapy is not addictive or habit-forming. It is a medical treatment prescribed by healthcare providers to improve oxygenation in individuals with respiratory conditions or other medical needs. Using oxygen therapy as prescribed by your doctor is safe and important for managing your health.

Oxygen therapy can help improve exercise performance in individuals with respiratory conditions by increasing oxygen delivery to muscles and tissues, reducing fatigue, and improving endurance. However, the extent of improvement may vary depending on individual factors and the underlying condition being treated.

If you run out of oxygen or encounter a problem with your oxygen equipment, you should immediately contact your oxygen supplier or healthcare provider for assistance. They can provide guidance on troubleshooting the issue, arranging for emergency oxygen delivery, or addressing any equipment malfunctions.

Yes, oxygen therapy can be used to treat altitude sickness, also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS). Supplemental oxygen can help alleviate symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath by increasing oxygen levels in the blood at high altitudes.

Oxygen therapy is commonly prescribed for a wide range of respiratory conditions, including COPD, pneumonia, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, and bronchiectasis, among others. However, its suitability may depend on the specific characteristics and severity of the individual's condition, so it's important to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

Yes, oxygen therapy can be used in palliative care or end-of-life care to provide symptom relief and improve comfort for individuals with advanced respiratory disease or other terminal conditions. It can help alleviate symptoms such as dyspnea (shortness of breath) and improve quality of life during the final stages of illness.

Oxygen therapy increases blood oxygen levels by delivering supplemental oxygen to the lungs, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to tissues throughout the body. This helps ensure that organs and tissues receive an adequate supply of oxygen for normal functioning and cellular metabolism.

Regular cleaning of oxygen tubing, masks, and other equipment is essential to prevent the buildup of bacteria and ensure the delivery of clean oxygen. Cleaning frequency may vary, but it is generally recommended to clean equipment at least once a week or as advised by healthcare providers.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the use of prescribed high pressure oxygen to treat a variety of health conditions and diseases. Breathing pure oxygen under pressures greater than sea level increases the amount of oxygen carried by the blood, enabling the oxygen to be dissolved into the hard-to-reach plasma, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluids surrounding the brain and spinal cord. These fluids more easily carry the increased oxygen to affected and damaged areas at up to 1,200% the normal concentration, thus providing a greater opportunity for healing.

HBOT works by increasing the concentration of oxygen in the bloodstream, which enhances oxygen delivery to tissues and promotes healing, reduces inflammation, and supports various physiological processes.

HBOT is used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including decompression sickness, non-healing wounds, carbon monoxide poisoning, radiation injuries, crush injuries, certain infections, and more.

When administered by trained healthcare professionals, HBOT is generally safe. However, there are some potential risks and side effects, such as ear barotrauma, sinus discomfort, temporary changes in vision, and rarely, oxygen toxicity.

During an HBOT session, patients will enter a hyperbaric chamber and breathe pure oxygen while the chamber is pressurized. Sessions typically last from 30 minutes to 2 hours, and patients may experience sensations such as ear popping or mild discomfort.

During an HBOT session, patients will enter a hyperbaric chamber and breathe pure oxygen while the chamber is pressurized. Sessions typically last from 30 minutes to 2 hours, and patients may experience sensations such as ear popping or mild discomfort.

The number of HBOT sessions required depends on the condition being treated, its severity, and individual patient response. Treatment protocols typically range from a few sessions to multiple sessions over several weeks.

Yes, HBOT can be used in combination with other medical treatments, such as surgery, antibiotics, or wound care, to enhance healing outcomes and improve patient outcomes.

Certain medical conditions, such as untreated pneumothorax (collapsed lung), severe congestive heart failure, certain medications, and certain types of ear or sinus problems, may be contraindications for HBOT. It's essential to discuss any medical concerns with a healthcare provider before undergoing HBOT.

Yes, HBOT can be used for pediatric patients under the supervision of trained healthcare professionals. It may be used to treat conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism, or non-healing wounds in children.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is an effective treatment for a variety of medical conditions either as a primary or adjunctive treatment. It is non-invasive with very few (and rare) potential side effects and has very few contraindications. The medical staff at OXYGENE HEALTH evaluates each patient to determine whether Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is appropriate. If the medical staff determines that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is appropriate, they will customize a patient’s individual treatment protocol.

At the start of the treatment session, oxygen immediately begins to circulate and the pressure gradually increase. The patient will generally start to feel a fullness sensation in the ears, similar to ascending or descending in an airplane. This fullness should only last about 10-15 minutes and an experienced hyperbaric technician will guide the patient to relieve any ear pressure. Once treatment pressure is reached, patients relax and just breathe normally. Near the end of the treatment session, the hyperbaric technician will gradually decrease the pressure in the chamber, a process that lasts about 10 minutes. During this decompression stage, it is common for patients to experience a slight popping sensation in the ears as a result of the change in pressure.

HBOT is an all natural therapy with generally no, or temporary, side effects. However, mild irritation to the ear drum may occur in about 10% of patients. The technicians at OXYGENE HEALTH will be with you every step of the way to prevent this from occurring. Other side effects may include temporary vision changes, dizziness or light-headedness. In very rare instances, oxygen toxicity may occur, however, risk of this is mitigated by our HBOT protocols and comprehensive patient screening process.

We recommend that patients avoid eating or drinking (specifically carbonated beverages) directly prior to treatment, unless medically required, to avoid the need to use the restroom or cause an upset stomach during the session. Some medications are incompatible with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy; a complete list of medications and supplements taken by the patient should be provided to the medical team during the initial consult, and updates should always be provided. To maximise the benefit of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, smoking of any kind should be avoided during the course of a patient’s complete treatment protocol. Smoking causes vasoconstriction and accumulation of carbon monoxide and other wastes, all which are counterproductive to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Lastly, alcohol consumption should be avoided at least 8 hours prior to treatment.

At your consultation, the complete process and list of items that are allowed and not allowed will be reviewed. Each patient is provided 100% cotton scrubs, sheets, and blankets as well as a plastic cup with water, if desired. Most other items are not allowed into a hyperbaric chamber with 100% oxygen. Prior to entering the chamber, an OXYGENE HEALTH technician must inspect and approve all items and garments. Examples of items prohibited inside the hyperbaric chamber include deodorant, lotion, perfume, mousse, gel, hairspray, makeup, jewelry, hair accessories, hearing aids, hard contact lenses, dentures, prostheses, nail polish (unless applied at least 48 hours prior to treatment), IV medication, and any clothing item that has buttons, snaps, Velcro, iron-on decals, or under-wiring. The OXYGENE HEALTH technicians will make sure that these policies are followed for every treatment session.

Many patients sleep, watch TV, or a movie. For your enjoyment, each hyperbaric chamber at OXYGENE HEALTH is paired with its own TV and DVD player. Patients are welcomed to watch their favourite TV programs, select a DVD to watch from our library, or bring DVDs of their own to watch.

Every OXYGENE HEALTH patient is unique and evaluated according to their condition and their response to therapy, which determines the number of treatments needed. Generally, patients require 30-40 sessions, though this could be more or less depending on the patient’s specific condition or circumstance. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy works cumulatively in the body and the greatest benefit is seen when treatments are regular (like going to the gym).

There are a few contraindications to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy such as if you have an untreated pneumothorax, moderate to severe COPD, bullous lung disease, or are currently receiving certain chemotherapeutic agents. During the consultation with a member of our Medical Team, each patient is evaluated to determine whether Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a safe and appropriate course of treatment.

At the initial consultation, each patient’s condition is evaluated to determine that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is appropriate and a baseline marker is set. Then, during each HBOT visit, patients are monitored by a trained Hyperbaric Technician and a member of the Medical Team (link to medical team page). Every visit is documented with a specialized electronic medical records system to help track each patient’s progress. Additionally, formal evaluations are performed following the completion of every ten treatment sessions and upon completion of the treatment protocol.